Kellyn Hodges Orthodontics

Am I Too Old for Invisalign?

Jan 10, 2024 @ 04:23 PM — by Kellyn Hodges
Tagged with: Invisalign

We all know a straight, healthy-looking smile can take years off your appearance. But you might also worry you may be too old for orthodontics. Rest assured that we have helped many adult patients at our offices in Bala Cynwyd, Bensalem, and Montgomeryville, PA.

We hear this question quite a bit. And we’re happy to explain to our patients that there’s no age limit on when you can complete Invisalign® treatment. Read on to learn more about the pros and cons of refining your smile with Invisalign as an older adult.

Understanding Why There’s No Age Limit

Like traditional orthodontics, Invisalign aligners gently reposition the teeth into a straighter, healthier position. This process is known as bone remodeling. The ability to move teeth within the jaw is not something that becomes more difficult the older you get–with one exception.

The jaw is indeed more malleable in much younger adults. That is why orthodontics are recommended for teenagers and even children in many cases. 

So while Invisalign is still effective for adults of any age, your treatment timeline might take longer than a teen’s. Just how long? For most adults, it will take 12-18 months to achieve straighter teeth.

Am I a Candidate for Invisalign?

So we've established that people can get Invisalign treatment in different stages of life. Let’s look more closely at what else makes our patients good Invisalign candidates.

Good Oral Health

All of our patients–regardless of age–need to be in good oral health before we recommend orthodontic treatment. Our older patients are at a higher risk of developing conditions like gum disease and tooth loss than our younger patients. We provide a wide range of services to address virtually any concern. Once we have ensured a strong, healthy foundation for your smile, we can proceed.

A Treatable Concern

Invisalign has improved substantially since it was created. While patients might have required braces in the past for more serious types of misalignment, clear aligners have come a long way. Unless you have a substantial bite issue or an especially complex case, you’re most likely a good candidate for Invisalign.

If you do have severe malocclusion, we can work with you to develop an adult braces treatment plan. We'll offer a full rundown of orthodontic treatment costs and timeline as part of the consultation process.

Committed to Treatment

Invisalign patients must remain committed to their care. You’ll need to wear the aligners for 20-22 hours a day, only removing them to brush, floss, eat, and drink anything other than water.

The only way to know whether you meet these requirements is to visit our office. During an initial visit to our offices in the Philadelphia area, our dentists can meet with you to examine your teeth and discuss your goals.

Contact Us for an Invisalign Consultation

You’re never too old to improve your smile. Take the first step by reaching out to our Philadelphia area offices today. Use our contact form to ask a question or to set up an appointment.