Kellyn Hodges Orthodontics

At What Age Do Kids Get Braces?

May 7, 2022 @ 11:30 AM — by Kellyn Hodges
Tagged with: What Age Do Kids Get Braces

It’s common for children to have issues with the alignment of their teeth, especially as their primary, or “baby,” teeth are replaced by their permanent teeth. Braces are an effective treatment for straightening children’s teeth, correcting bite issues, and improving the overall appearance of the smile. 

Early orthodontic treatment is ideal but at what age do kids get braces? Serving Philadelphia, PA, Bala Cynwyd, PA, and BensalemPA, the team of orthodontists at Kellyn Hodges Orthodontics would like to take a moment to answer this question and more.  

What’s the Best Age for Braces?

There isn’t a single age that is best for getting braces. Instead, it’s important to evaluate each child to determine the best age for them to be treated. 

With this in mind, it’s usually ideal to treat children between the ages of 9 and 14. Between this age range, most or all of the baby teeth will be gone and the adult teeth will be in place. 

Additionally, the jaw tends to be more malleable and the teeth easier to move prior to puberty, making it best to get braces before children are teenagers. 

When Should My Child See an Orthodontist? 

Children should see an orthodontist, even if their teeth appear straight, between the ages of 7 and 12. Seeing an orthodontist at a young age can help address potential issues, such as overcrowded teeth and jaw misalignment, before they cause problems. 

This is also a good time to catch alignment issues that may be caused by long term pacifier use or thumb sucking. 

Signs Your Child May Need Braces

There are many signs that a child may need braces. Some of the most common include:

Why Seek Orthodontic Treatment During Childhood?

Braces provide many benefits to children as they grow into adults. Undergoing orthodontic treatment between 9 and 14 is ideal as the teeth and jaw are easier to move and adjust at this age than they are after puberty and into adulthood. 

Additionally, seeking orthodontic treatment around the ages of 9 through 14 can:  

Discuss Your Child’s Orthodontic Treatment Options

Treating children with orthodontics while they’re young is a great way to boost confidence, improve oral health, and prevent complications that can arise with untreated alignment issues in adulthood. 

If you have concerns about the alignment of your child’s teeth or wish to have them evaluated for orthodontic treatment, call Kellyn Hodges Orthodontics at (215) 245-5100 or contact us online