Kellyn Hodges Orthodontics

Braces Treat Twisted Teeth and Enhance the Smile

Jul 10, 2017 @ 11:57 AM — by Kellyn Hodges
Tagged with: Braces Orthodontics

Twisted or crooked teeth have a pretty obvious effect on the appearance of the smile. Even if just a single tooth is twisted out of position, the teeth can look crooked and uneven. And while twisted teeth may not pose an immediate threat to oral health, they can impact oral functions and make oral hygiene habits more difficult.

To get a smile that is easy to care for, fully functional, and aesthetically pleasing, it is best to straighten twisted teeth. Dr. Kellyn Hodges offers braces for twisted teeth at her Philadelphia, PA orthodontic practice. Braces use a series of brackets and wires to apply pressure to the teeth that will gradually shift them into proper position. Braces not only improve the position of the teeth to enhance the appearance of the smile, but they also correct any issues with the bite and make oral care easier.

Risks of Twisted Teeth

Most people are motivated to treat twisted teeth because they have such a severe impact on the appearance of the smile. However, for those who may be wondering whether or not it is worth it to treat twisted teeth, there are other factors to consider. Although people can enjoy a healthy smile when twisted teeth are present, there are some risk factors associated with twisted and crooked teeth. Below are some of the concerns regarding twisted teeth:

Treating Twisted Teeth

While there are cosmetic dentistry treatments that can mask twisted teeth, orthodontic treatment is the only option for patients who want to truly treat twisted teeth by correcting their position. Traditional braces are the most common treatment for twisted teeth. Braces are effective and affordable. Braces can straighten twisted and crooked teeth while also ensuring that the patient’s bite is properly aligned to promote optimal oral health and functions.

Braces treatment will vary slightly for each patient based on the specific oral health needs. In most cases, braces treatment is complete within about two and a half years. During treatment, Dr. Hodges uses brackets, wires, and ligature elastics to apply constant pressure to the teeth. Although pressure is constant, it is a subtle pressure that allows patients to continue to eat, speak, and chew comfortably throughout their treatment timeline.

Patients will return to Dr. Hodges periodically (about once a month) to have their braces tightened. By making these adjustments, we are able to provide continual pressure to the teeth. Gradually this pressure will reposition the teeth and jaw until the ideal bite and smile is achieved.

Contact Us

If you are looking to improve your smile by straightening crooked, twisted teeth, you are likely an ideal candidate for braces. Contact us at your earliest convenience to learn more about the orthodontic services offered by Dr. Kellyn Hodges.