Kellyn Hodges Orthodontics

Managing Soft Tissue Pain Caused by Braces

Apr 6, 2017 @ 09:00 AM — by Kellyn Hodges
Tagged with: Braces Orthodontics

Crooked, overlapping, or misaligned teeth can affect the appearance of the smile and increase the risk of oral health problems. These issues can be corrected with orthodontics. Braces are highly effective at repositioning the teeth to align the teeth ans produce a beautiful smile.

Although braces provide an effective means for improving the smile's appearance, some patients may occasionally experience soft tissue pain throughout the treatment process. Dr. Kellyn Hodges and her team provide patients with tips on managing braces and soft tissue pain during consultations at her Philadelphia, PA practice. To receive your personalized tips, we invite you to schedule a consultation. In the meantime, we offer these tips to help relieve soft tissue pain during orthodontics treatment.

Understanding Braces and Soft Tissue Pain

Braces can make the soft tissues of the mouth sore and tender during the treatment process. One of the biggest contributors to soft tissue pain while wearing braces is the braces themselves. Braces consist of metal wires and brackets that can rub on the inside of the lips and cheeks. In addition, the arch wires may poke the back of the mouth, potentially causing pain and irritation. Braces also apply pressure on the teeth to gradually reposition them into proper alignment. When pressured is applied to the teeth, it can cause the soft tissues to become sore or inflamed.

Are Braces Painful Throughout Treatment?

Most people who undergo traditional orthodontics do not experience pain at all times throughout treatment. Rather, pain is generally felt during the first few days after the braces are initially put on the teeth and at each tightening, which occurs about every four to six weeks. In many cases, soft tissue pain will decrease as the tissues become tougher and adjust to the braces.

Alleviating Soft Tissue Pain

Soft tissue pain can make wearing braces uncomfortable from time to time. Fortunately, there are ways to alleviate pain and make orthodontic treatment more comfortable, such as:

Schedule a Consultation

If you suffer from soft tissue pain and would like more tips on how to reduce discomfort, we encourage you to schedule a consultation with Dr. Hodges today.