Kellyn Hodges Orthodontics

Using Invisalign® to Close Gaps between Teeth

Jun 19, 2014 @ 09:00 AM — by Kellyn Hodges
Tagged with: Invisalign Orthodontics

Over the past decade, Invisalign® has revolutionized the way people undergo orthodontic treatment. These removable, custom-fitted, nearly invisible aligners have allowed teenagers and adults who might otherwise be hesitant to undergo orthodontic therapy due to the conspicuousness and discomfort associated with traditional metal braces to get the care they need. The results that can be achieved through Invisalign® are similar to those achieved through metal braces; however, Invisalign® offers a host of aesthetic and oral health benefits that traditional orthodontic appliances simply cannot match.

While many people think of braces, invisible or otherwise, as primarily being used to straighten crooked teeth, they are commonly used to correct a variety of oral health issues, including faulty bites and overcrowding of the teeth. They can also be used to close small gaps between teeth, resulting in a more even and uniform smile. At the orthodontic practice of Dr. Kellyn W. Hodges in Philadelphia, gapped teeth can often be corrected using Invisalign® dental aligners.

How Invisalign® Works

The Invisalign® system operates according to a simple principle. After Dr. Hodges determines that a patient is a good candidate for Invisalign®, she uses sophisticated computer technology to map out the path that would be required to move the teeth from their current position into their ideal position. Based on these calculations, a series of clear, plastic aligners are created. Each aligner in the series is slightly differently shaped. Every two weeks, the patient replaces the current set of aligners he or she is wearing with the next set in the series. As a result, the teeth are gradually but definitively guided toward their optimal positions in the mouth.

Treating Gaps between Teeth

The presence of gaps between teeth is an indication of potential alignment problems. Invisalign® corrects misalignment by moving the teeth permanently into their proper positions in the mouth. As a result, teeth that are separated by gaps will be moved closer together to ensure a strong, healthy bite and to minimize the risk of the teeth drifting further out of alignment toward the gaps. Patients emerge from treatment with improved oral health, a bite that fits together properly, and a more aesthetically pleasing, gap-free smile.

Candidates for Invisalign®

Invisalign® is potentially ideal for anyone with minor to moderate orthodontic issues, including gaps between teeth. Among suitable candidates, Invisalign® produces results similar to traditional metal braces in roughly the same amount of treatment time. Candidates for Invisalign® must be willing to wear their aligners for approximately 22 hours a day, removing them only to eat, brush, and floss.

Invisalign® can be used to close gaps between teeth that are caused by misalignment. If gaps are present due to teeth that are misshapen or abnormally narrow, alternative treatments may need to be discussed. Candidacy for Invisalign® treatment can only be determined by an experienced, skilled professional who is a certified Invisalign® provider, such as Dr. Hodges.

Contact Dr. Kellyn W. Hodges Today

If your teeth are separated by visible gaps and you would like to learn whether Invisalign® treatment might be right for you, please contact the orthodontic practice of Dr. Kellyn W. Hodges today.