Kellyn Hodges Orthodontics

When Can You Expect to Enjoy A Straight Smile? The Invisalign® Treatment Timeline

May 10, 2014 @ 09:00 AM — by Kellyn Hodges
Tagged with: Invisalign Cosmetic Dentistry

If you've always wanted a straight smile but didn't want to live with the embarrassment or discomfort of traditional metal braces, Invisalign® treatment may be just what you've been looking for! Invisalign® uses a series of clear trays to align the teeth, discreetly and in comfort. Our Philadelphia orthodontists are ready to help you achieve the smile of your dreams. We welcome you to schedule a consultation to discuss your personalized treatment plan. In the meantime, read on to learn about the Invisalign® treatment timeline.  

The Invisalign® Treatment Process: Start to Finish

Invisalign® treatment begins with a dental evaluation to determine candidacy. Though most alignment issues can be corrected with Invisalign®, some conditions like severe crookedness are better treated with traditional orthodontics. Once it's been determined that Invisalign® is right for you, a treatment plan will be devised and impressions of your teeth will be taken. These impressions are then sent to a dental lab to create your custom-made aligners. Once the aligners are ready, another appointment will be made to check fit and begin the Invisalign® treatment.

The total length of time required for each patient's Invisalign® treatment will vary, depending on the needs of the individual, but generally range from six to 18 months. Invisalign® works by slowly shifting the teeth through a series of clear aligners. Each set of aligners is worn for about two weeks before changing to a new set, the aligners should be worn for at least 22 hours a day. Invisalign® trays may be removed while eating and to brush and floss the teeth. As treatment continues, your orthodontist will periodically check the progress of alignment to ensure treatment is going as planned. Adjustments can be made to help keep your treatment plan on track.

The Benefits of Invisalign® Treatment

Invisalign® if preferred by many patients over traditional orthodontics for a number of reasons. Most obvious reason is that Invisalign® can create the same results as traditional orthodontics without the months of wearing embarrassing, painful metal braces. Some of the benefits of Invisalign® treatment includes:

Find Out if Invisalign® Treatment Is Right for You

Invisalign® is perfect for treating a variety of alignment issues. However, it cannot correct all alignment problems. For those with severely crooked teeth, traditional orthodontics may be a better option. To find out which treatment is right for you, we welcome you to schedule your personalized consultation.