Kellyn Hodges Orthodontics

Life with Braces: Counteracting Pain

Aug 29, 2013 @ 11:17 AM — by Kellyn Hodges
Tagged with: Braces Invisalign

Everyone loves the refined look of straight teeth and the confidence that comes with a perfect smile - but no one loves the soreness and discomfort of monthly tightening procedures that come with wearing braces. “No pain, no gain” may be how the saying goes, but finding ways to alleviate tender teeth and gums is always welcome.

Managing Dental Pain from Orthodontics

There are several time-tested ways to manage soreness from braces:

While there are several methods for combating orthodontic pain, some methods work better than others for different people. It’s up to you to determine which method is right for you. 

Cutting Down on Time with Veneers or Fast Acting Adult Braces

Another effective way to cut down on the time spent experiencing pain during orthodontic work is to cut down on the length of time you need to wear braces. This can be achieved by turning to techniques like Fast Acting Adult Braces.

Fast Acting Adult Braces (FAAB) is a procedure performed at Kellyn Hodges practice that can be of great help for adults that want to perfect their smile but are apprehensive about the idea of dealing with orthodontic apparatuses and the pain of tightening over several years. The FAAB technique uses metal braces or Invisalign just like traditional orthodontics, but simply focuses on only straightening visible teeth. This technique alone can cut your time spent with braces down to as little as six to ten months.

If you are willing to undergo a more extensive procedure in return for near immediate results, you may also consider porcelain veneers as a viable option for a more polished smile. 

Contact Your Philadelphia Orthodontic Office Today

No orthodontist wants to see patients in pain. If you’re suffering soreness and pain due to your orthodontic procedures, contact Dr. Kellyn Hodges at her Philadelphia orthodontic practice to discuss pain management options today.